Customer q:
I am interested in your kit Holley Sniper EFI 2300.
I want to install this kit on my rod (Ford 1933) equipped with a base sbc.
I am French and I am mainly looking for a fuel economy. In France, the fuel is 2 to 3 times more expensive than in the USA.
- Is the 2 barrels kit better than the 4 barrels for fuel economy?
- Is the Sniper efi system compatible with E85 (only 100% E85 or E85 / classic gasoline mix)?
- Is the Dual Sync Distributor system with the efi Sniper interesting for fuel economy?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
engine = Sbc (ref 809-12681429)
make = Ford
model = Coupe
trans = T5
year = 1933
Depending on how the carburetor is tuned and how heavy of a foot you have, both will get you good gas millage. Sniper's instructions say this item is only comparable with unleaded fuels. The Duel-Sync distributor and the sniper EFI can be good for fuel economy depending on how the system is tuned. If you decide to use the Duel Sync distributor with the Sniper EFI, you will need a wiring harness part number 510-558-493.
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