Customer q:
Hi there. I am in the process of building a replica GT40 here in the U.K. A friend of mine bought a blueprint engine from you a few years ago and recommended me to you as I would like the same. I am looking for an engine price with shipping to a port for delivery to the U.K. please. The engine is a 331 stroke engine part #BP3315CT. My friend's serial number was #299176. I would like a similar block production year if possible please as the earlier the better for emission regulations here. Thank you.
engine = 302 with 331 stroker kit
fuel = Fuel injection
make = Ford
model = Gt40
trans = Manual
Thank you for your inquiry and interest in JEGS High Performance. We offer international shipping by Fed Ex International Economy Air for economical, quick and reliable delivery. Delivery takes 5 to 7 business days after the package leaves our warehouse, which in most cases is the same day the order is placed. The cost for shipping is determined by the weight, size and value of the package. Be aware that an import tax may be collected at time of delivery. This is usually 25 percent of the total invoice. You may place the order 24/7 on our website, call 614-294-5050 and a representative will assist you or fax the order to 740-362-7017. We accept all major credit cards, Pay Pal on our website only and bank wire transfers as payment. Your total shipped to Great Britain in US funds
Note this item is out of stock and may require additional time up to 14 business days
#138-BP3315CT FORD 331 BASE 375H/390T
Shipment Total: $6,325.00
Thank you for choosing JEGS and have a wonderful day.
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