Customer q:
Hello. Could you tell me what the duration and lift specifications are for cam shaft part number 689-CL-MTF-1? Any other specs you have would be great as well. Thanks.
ac = No
drivewheel = 2WD
engine = 4.3L V8 260
fuel = Caruretor
make = Ford
model = Falcon
pwrbrk = No
pwrstr = No
trans = Manual
year = 1964
Thank you for giving JEGS the opportunity to assist you with your technical question. Here are the specs for the can shaft. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to reach out to us 24/7.
Cam Style:Hydraulic flat tappet
Basic Operating RPM Range:1,000-4,500
Intake Duration at 050 inch Lift:214
Exhaust Duration at 050 inch Lift:204
Duration at 050 inch Lift:214 int./204 exh.
Advertised Intake Duration:280
Advertised Exhaust Duration:289
Advertised Duration:280 int./289 exh.
Intake Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio:0.448 in.
Exhaust Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio:0.472 in.
Valve Lift with Factory Rocker Arm Ratio:0.448 int./0.472 exh.
Lobe Separation (degrees):112
Computer-Controlled Compatible:No
Valve Springs Required:No
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